Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1st

It's crazy that It's already September! You know what that means? In 10 day on September 11th I'll hit my 1 year mark!!

Sounds Like everything is going great!! That's awesome! I do live with the Bishop. But I live in a caseda which is different. I've been in a caseda before but never lived in one. It's really different. I lived with members in my first area but we lived in the house not a caseda. 

My area is not as ghetto as I was hoping :(. It's not very dangerous. You have to go to the President and letter streets to get to the real ghetto and dangerous part of Vegas. Fremont is also very bad but that's out of mission. It's in the Las Vegas Mission. There are a lot of houses with bars on there windows. I was expecting to see that.

Elder Michael Brown

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