Monday, September 8, 2014

Sept. 11 = Half-Way Through Mission

It's hard to believe that I'm almost "one year old". Time has flown by so fast. I've learned a lot, made a lot of good memories, and I have had a lot of fun. It's just too bad that you only get two years to do this though. I wish it was longer.

I have noticed positive changes from being obedient. One is that I have the Spirit with me more. Especially when I teach. Example: Last week we were teaching an investigator and she started telling us about all the hard things that she is going through. And she was going through a lot of hard stuff. During the closing prayer the Spirit told me to give her a specific promise. After the prayer ended I said, "Tamber, the Spirit has told me to tell you something."  I promised her that she would be blessed above anything that she could possibly comprehend. I promised her that she would be blessed more than she could imagine if she would endure and go through this trial that she is having. I then explained that just how we are given weaknesses to make us strong we are also given trials to make us strong. After I had made that promise she told me, "Thank you. You don't know how much I needed to hear that. That means a lot. Thank you." It was a great moment for me.

Love your favorite Elder,

Elder Brown

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