Monday, November 4, 2013

Hi again.

Sorry I haven't written/emailed.  I'm doing great.  We are teaching Ilona, Jan, Kristen, and Dan.  Ilona is set for baptism on November 23rd!  We have taught Jan the first two lessons.  She doesn't believe in Hell or a Satan.  And she prays to Bruno.  Bruno is some healer/prophet.  We are going to try to work those out.  Kristen is set for baptism on the 9th of December!  Dan, we have taught the first lesson.  Meeting Dan is very similar to how we met Jan.  A couple in our ward met Dan at Barnes and Noble.  He was looking at some books on Mormon's.  Brother R. saw him and went over and talked to him.  He then asked Dan if he would like to talk to some missionaries.  He said that he would like to.  So Bro. R called us that same day telling us that he had someone for us to teach!  So we went over the the R's house later that day and taught the first lesson to Dan.  The reason that Dan was looking at books about Mormon's is that he wanted to be less ignorant about other religions.  We are much busier tan we used to be, as you can tell.

I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting on October 27th.  It was on Missionary Work.  It went really well considering that I wrote the whole thing that morning.  I had some ideas before Sunday so it was okay.  I didn't completely procrastinate to the end.  It went for a  good 8-10 minutes.  I felt really good about it.  You know how much I hate giving talks.  I was actually excited about giving this one.  It was fast and testimony meeting on my first Sunday in the field, and I bore my testimony.  Then two weeks later, because we had conference the next week, I was asked to give the opening prayer in Sacrament meeting.   I was more nervous to give the prayer than the talk.  Then just this Sunday we had to teach Gospel Principles.  Our Ward Mission Leader is the teacher and he texted us Sunday morning telling us that he was sick and asked if we could teach the lesson.  Our cell phone didn't switch times till around 9:00, so we got to church and hour early.  That really stunk.  But on the bright side we were given time to prepare for our lesson!  hahaha.

Right now, I am reading in 2 Nephi, so I am reading Isaiah.  I would like to tell you what I am learning but it's too hard to understand.  I am nearing the end so I have endured it this far, I think that I can endure the rest.

We had our Trunk-Or Treat on Wednesday.  There are two other wards that go to the same building as us, and we all combined to have a Trunk-or-Treat.  It was really big.  We did the whole thinkg outside.  We just passed out candy at our WML's car.  I wanted to dress up as a BYU or BYU-I student.  I have my BYU shirt and some jeans and tennis shoes.  Perfect!!  But my companion wouldn't let me take off my proselyting clothes.  : (

Yesterday at Walmart a member payed for all of our stuff.  It cost like $42!!  Then today we wen to In N' Out for lunch.  We went through the drive through and I guess the car in front of us saw us in their mirror.  But they payed for us!! It was so cool.  I really love Las Vegas.  There are a lot of members and they are all very kind.  Especially to the missionaries.  hahaha.


Elder Brown

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