Last week was pretty good. Just like you, it's just the same ole thing. Visiting less actives. It's good to go and visit them.
We have Stake conference next week. I gave the opening prayer in Sacrament Meeting yesterday. I also helped with the Sacrament.
We are teaching Kristin at 7:00 tonight. Her baptismal date will probably be November 9th.
All of my tapes from my surgery that were on my stomach have fallen of finally. I haven't had any pain at all.
The weather here can be nice but it is starting to get cold. It hasn't poured but it has sprinkled a little bit. When I was at the MTC I could see snow on the mountains for my last couple of days.
We have been doing a lot of service. We have been helping a guy named lance. He is doing some renovating of his house. We have taught him and his room mate the first lesson. We are going to do some more service with him this Saturday and teach the second lesson. His son is also going to be there. So with Lance, his room mate and Lance's son, that will make two new investigators.
We helped a man named Rocky. He has net with the missionaries before. We did some yard work with him. He is also one of our new investigators.
We had a goal to be more obedient last week. We did things like wake up on time, go to bed on time, no wasting time, listen to only hymns, just stuff like that. Because of that our Ward Mission Leader texted us telling us that he had a couple of people that we could teach. He aslo told us that someone that he new told him that she wanted to be baptized Mormon. That was pretty cool. Being obedient with exactness really does bring blessings.
Elder Michael Brown
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