Thursday, September 26, 2013

Michael gets his appendix out

On Sept. 18th we received a phone call from the MTC saying that Michael wasn't feeling well.  He was headed to the hospital to have a CT scan for his appendix.  Well, about two hours later we received a call that he was indeed going to have surgery.   The surgery went very well.  No complications at all but that appendix really did need to come out.  It had not ruptured so there was no lingering infections.  As long as Michael was at the hospital he was allowed to have visitors and phone calls.  It was a blessing that his Aunt lives so close, she was able to be there when he woke up post surgery.  And we have good friends who live nearby who were also able to go visit him.  That lifted his spirits so much!  (And he wasn't really upset about the whole thing anyway.)  We spoke with him several times on Thursday.  He sounded so good, happy, and already "grown up."  He commented on how nice the people were there and that the hospital was more fun than the MTC.  (hospitals aren't all that bad if you are not super sick.)
He was back at the MTC by noon on Thursday.
Friday, he was able to spend at the sick bay at the MTC.  Just sleeping off the leftover anesthetic and pain. He was able to call us that night just to let us know that he was feeling better.
While this was an interesting thing to have happen to him, we know that Heavenly Father's timing is perfect and there was a great purpose in Michael having to go through this right now.
But, it also meant that his departure date was to be delayed.  He was supposed to head to NV on Sept. 23rd, but due to recovery, he was not able to leave that day with the rest of his travel group.

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