Thursday, September 26, 2013

First week in the MTC--Sept. 17th

The MTC is good.  I like being around a lot of missionaries.  I've fallen asleep in class every day.  Not a deep sleep.  Just a doze.  But it happens a lot.  Six hours of class a day is really hard.  It's like trying to drink out of a fire hose.  It's a really small world at the MTC.  I have seen a few people that know people from home.  We moved to the West campus today.  The apartments are a lot better than the residence hall.  Because the food is good, but could be better, I have eaten at least one bowl of Life cereal.   Two times I had Captain Crunch.  I have written in my journal every night.  That is one thing that I am trying to do.  This will shock you, but I have written in my journal so much that I have used up all the room possible (on a daily page) almost every time!!  Probably because there is so much going on.   There is so much study time.  On Sunday there were about 6-8 hours of study time.  But I liked Sunday the best because it was just really laid back.  No six hour classes.  When people say that having the skill of playing the piano will pay off on your mission, they weren't kidding.  I am the only one in my zone that knows how to play the piano.  I have played in sacrament and zone teaching.  They say that if you make it to Sunday things will get better and time will go faster.  They were right.  The first few days were really tough.  Every day will still be tough and stressful, but just not as much.

Love you lots.

Elder Brown

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