Today is my 11th month mark!!!!!!! Crazy! I am going to celebrate by having
a huge coke float!
It's been plenty hot here. But it's dry and not humid which I love. The
hottest that I have seen so far is 115*!!! If it was 115* with humidity like in
Georgia. I would cry. hahaha
We had 3 investigators a church. Ed, Jean, and Andrew. Ed and Jean are
progressing really well. We taught them last last week on Monday, last two days
ago on Saturday, we'll teach them tonight, and have a lesson lined up for this
Wednesday. I'm really excited. Last Saturday we taught part of the Plan of
Salvation and tonight we are teaching them the rest. We are also planning on
setting them with a date for the end of this month. John Hull has been extremely
flaky the past few weeks. He doesn't answer our calls or call back when we leave
a message, we text him and he doesn't reply. We also go by his house to talk
with him and he doesn't even answer his door. It is extremely frustrating. We
are planning on dropping him. But we aren't allowed to drop people without
meeting them and telling them that we are dropping them. So I have gotten very
frustrated at him because we can't set up a time to meet with him.
Elder Brown
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