Monday, June 23, 2014

Mid June

How Dee!
Time does seen to go by really fast!  I'm not exercising in the mornings but we do walk a lot during the day. Last week we walked 25 miles give or take a couple. It's really good.

My week was good. Except for yesterday. Kristin (the first person that I taught on my mission) was supposed to get baptized. To make a long terrible story short the baptism is being postponed at least a month because of some complications with her parents. But besides that it was good. Elder Park and I are getting along great together. we had a dull week this week on stats but that always happens sometimes. We did have some one with a date for last Saturday but her mom won't sign the baptismal form. She was all cool and fine with her getting baptized but a couple days before her mom decided not to sign the form.

Things in my new ward are going pretty good. Last week we didn't teach much. We did a lot of contacting though. I would have to say that my favorite lesson to teach is the Plan of Salvation just because I enjoy talking about that stuff. During comp study we role play and we decide who will teach what during that time. The way missionaries are suppose to teach usually is one person teaches a point and then your companion teaches the next and so forth.

Elder Brown

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