Monday, June 23, 2014

Mid Transfer

Things are still going great. Our teaching pool has grown a little. We got two new investigators last week. Peter and Andrew. Some of our other investigators are not progressing anymore and are becoming a little flaky. Elder Park is not too trunky. He hates it as all missionaries would, when members ask him how much longer he has left. They know that he goes home soon so he gets asked that question a lot.
A few extra things:
  1.  Last week for dinner we went to a members home and we had Marco's Pizza for dinner. I didn't know that Marco's Pizza was a nation wide thing.
  2. Sorry I haven't written to you guys lately so it sounds selfish of me asking this. But the next time you send a letter or a package can you please have the kids write a letter or at least a picture. I LOVE the pictures that they draw.  
  3. I have started back up with writing in my journal. I started back up on June 4th and have not missed a day so far. It can be really hard some times.
Talk to you next week! 

Elder Brown

Mid June

How Dee!
Time does seen to go by really fast!  I'm not exercising in the mornings but we do walk a lot during the day. Last week we walked 25 miles give or take a couple. It's really good.

My week was good. Except for yesterday. Kristin (the first person that I taught on my mission) was supposed to get baptized. To make a long terrible story short the baptism is being postponed at least a month because of some complications with her parents. But besides that it was good. Elder Park and I are getting along great together. we had a dull week this week on stats but that always happens sometimes. We did have some one with a date for last Saturday but her mom won't sign the baptismal form. She was all cool and fine with her getting baptized but a couple days before her mom decided not to sign the form.

Things in my new ward are going pretty good. Last week we didn't teach much. We did a lot of contacting though. I would have to say that my favorite lesson to teach is the Plan of Salvation just because I enjoy talking about that stuff. During comp study we role play and we decide who will teach what during that time. The way missionaries are suppose to teach usually is one person teaches a point and then your companion teaches the next and so forth.

Elder Brown

Memorial Day

The teaching is going good. I'm sad that we are just now starting to teach them because I might get transferred and I won't get to see how they progress. You are so right about the developing talents. I am much more open to talking to people now. It's really great. Yes I did give a talk on Sunday. It went well. I gave it on testimonies. We were back up speakers because the bishopric had no one to speak. We got a call during our specialized zone meeting on Friday by the 2nd councilor asking if we would talk in sacrament. It's my second time giving a talk on my mission.

We had exchanges with the traveling elders on Friday. That's was fun. We found about 3 potentials. Oh! something that I forgot to tell you on Mothers Day is that I bought a Rubix Cube and can now solve it. I also us it for some spiritual thoughts. So it wasn't a complete waste of money. hahaha Also today is my half birthday!! I am 19 1/2. Time flies so by fast. I have also been out 8 1/2 months. 3 1/2 more months and I will be half way done with my mission.  This is the last week of the transfer. I think that I will be transferring because I have been here for three transfers. Since the end of January. 

It was a good thing that I developed the skill of sleeping in my clothes because when I take my lunch nap I can sleep easily and not have to change. hahaha

We had Zone Conference on the 14th. Zone conference takes up pretty much the whole day. It is from 8:00 to 4:00. The last time that we went to the temple was on May 7th and we get to go once a quarter. So it will be a little while till we get to go again.


Elder Brown

Monday, June 9, 2014

Another week

Hey Mom!!
I am getting transferred today!! I will be going to Highland Hills in the Los Pados ward. I'll also be in a car. My companion will be Elder Park. This is his last transfer so I will be killing him. I've never killed some one before so we will see how it goes. hahaha My new area borders my current area. That's what happened last time when I came to my second area, all I did was hop the road and I was in my new area. I am excited to be in a new area though. I was in Tule Springs for 4 months three transfers.

So last week was one of the worst weeks stat wise that I have had on my mission. All doughnuts (all zeros). We had our lesson cancel on us which was very disappointing.  

My new area is great and I love my new companion. Elder Park is awesome.  I like being in a car. It's a hard transition because I'm used to bike and always moving to being in a car and sitting. I fall asleep sometimes when we're driving.
We have about 11 investigators that we are teaching. IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!! (Caps intentional). Two weeks ago which was my last week in Tule we had strait doughnuts. Last week ore stats were the best that I've had on my whole mission. They were: 0 0 1 2 2 5 1 1 2 4 3 I'm so happy!!
The highlight of last week was on Thursday the 8th when I got stuck on the bench press with 135lbs on my chest. I was stuck there for about 3-5 minutes calling for Elder Park to come help. He was in the shower so he couldn't hear me. It was funny afterwards though.
Elder Michael Brown