Monday, April 7, 2014

Hey there!

Last week was pretty eventful.  Elder L. and I had to go to the church around 7:00 or 8:00 to do some work in the library.  When we got to the church to our surprise we found multiple police cars, and ambulance, and the SWAT team in the parking lot.  No worries.  They were just prepping for a raid.  Also, on Friday and ambulance passed us on their way to an emergency and the driver waved to us.  I thought that was pretty cool.  Also last week I had some "Michael" moments.  I crashed on my bike again.  I am fine.

Las Vegas is starting to warm up.  I'm not excited for the upcoming summer.  110*+ will not be fun.  Especially if I am going to be on bike.

So, as you know, it is tradition to go out for ice cream after Priesthood session of General Conference. comp and I with a couple other elders went to Yogurt Land to keep the tradition going.  It was a lot of fun.  Yogurt Land is a frozen yogurt place where missionaries get half off because it is owned by a member of the church.  Awesome!!!


Elder Brown

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