Monday, April 21, 2014

Transfer Week!

Today is transfers!  I will be staying in my area.  My new companion is Elder T.  He is from Hawaii but is Tongan.  He has also been out for about a year.

  1. My biggest challenge this week was trying to pronounce my new companions name.
  2. My biggest success has been when I finally was able to pronounce my new companions name
  3. My favorite person was my new companion because he is a Polly.
  4. My goal for the upcoming week is to make sure I continually pronounce my companions name correctly because it would be rude to mess up his name. 
Okay, the real answers are this:
  1. My biggest challenge this week was trying to pronounce my new companions name.
  2. I don't really know what my biggest success was. 
  3. My favorite person was the family who gave us Easter baskets. They had gift cards, candy, socks, and a tie. It's the same family that you have gotten pictures from and is on Missionary Mommas.
  4. My goal for the upcoming week is to find some people to teach because we haven't had any lately. You can get discouraged and disappointed when you don't have anyone to teach.
Polly does mean Polynesian.  And, just FYI---most of the bike crashes aren't self inflicted.  I got a nice bike that I will take care of.

Elder Brown

Monday, April 14, 2014

Mid April

Fun story.  On Saturday I got a hole in my back tire.  Later that day I got three holes in my back tire and two in my front.  It was a long day.  my comp also got two flats that day.  And the day before my comp got three holes.  It was an interesting two days.

On the sunday of General Conference, my comp and I were sitting at a bench in a neighborhood park. Some people accross the field were having lunch.  A lady from the group comes over and asks us if we would like to come over and have some food.  So we did.  Lets just say that it was an interesting visit.  Of course they new wo we are.  So one of the ladies flat out said the they were not going to talkk gospel at all.  We said that was fine.  Then she says that she is gay.  I was taken aback from that because I have never met a lesbian before.  Usually they hate missionaries beause of the churchs stance on ga marriage.  But they were extremly polite.  they know what we as missionaries do and they said that it is very admirable.  They also know how hot it can get so they offered us water.  it was pretty cool to have someone who is not a member be so kind to us.  They were more kind to us than most members.  You may think that's crazy but it's true.

Talk to you next week!

Elder Michael Brown

Monday, April 7, 2014

Hey there!

Last week was pretty eventful.  Elder L. and I had to go to the church around 7:00 or 8:00 to do some work in the library.  When we got to the church to our surprise we found multiple police cars, and ambulance, and the SWAT team in the parking lot.  No worries.  They were just prepping for a raid.  Also, on Friday and ambulance passed us on their way to an emergency and the driver waved to us.  I thought that was pretty cool.  Also last week I had some "Michael" moments.  I crashed on my bike again.  I am fine.

Las Vegas is starting to warm up.  I'm not excited for the upcoming summer.  110*+ will not be fun.  Especially if I am going to be on bike.

So, as you know, it is tradition to go out for ice cream after Priesthood session of General Conference. comp and I with a couple other elders went to Yogurt Land to keep the tradition going.  It was a lot of fun.  Yogurt Land is a frozen yogurt place where missionaries get half off because it is owned by a member of the church.  Awesome!!!


Elder Brown