Tuesday, January 28, 2014

News for the week

Last week was a great week! We got two new investigators. Now we have 3. That doesn't seem like a lot. But for what we have have for the past 6-8 weeks that is a lot.  We don't go tracting very much. Not at all actually. Tracting pretty much equals a waste of time/no success. As you know I am in the West Mission. But the East Mission has completely done away with tracting.  Missionaries are very dependant on members!! It's been said that "Members find. Missionaries teach". That does mean that we are not supposed to try to find though.
I was doing a thing that at In N' Out. I was going to start with a #1 (a 2x2 with a fry and a drink) Then each time I would go I would add a patty. So I did that all the way up to a 4x4. I had to stop there because they wouldn't add anymore than that. :(

So my few goals are to wake up on time, study every day. Be early to meetings.
I did get transferred. I got transferred to Tule Springs. It is just right across the freeway from my last area. I am on bike and live 4 miles out of my area. Because I live so far out, I live closer to my old area than my new one.  I have been on exchanges where I had to ride a bike. It is also flat here which will help. It will help with exercise a lot.

I love you!

Elder Brown

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