Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas excitement

I was suprised when I got a package because you said that it was going to get sent to the mission office.  I have opened the instant oatmeal, the socks, the luggage tag, and one of the cds.  I'm really excited for the rest of the gifts.

Jan and Dan who we are teaching said that they didn't want to be taught anymore.  It's really sad when you get told that.  But there are always more people.

This Wednesday we are having a Mission wide Christmas party.  WE also get to watch "Ephraim's Rescue" on Christmas!  I'm really excited.  Christmas is in nine days which means nine days until I get to talk with you!!!!  I'm even more excited for that.

Elder Brown

Monday, December 9, 2013

I'm doing good!

I'm doing good.  We had our ward Christmas Party last Friday.  There was a nativity performance, dinner, Santa, and Elder T. and I ran a "Missionary Booth."  We had candy, pass along cards, and cards that kids could put together in a little box and wrap it up and give it to a friend as a missionary gift.  We also had some random DVD's in our car and popcorn from home that people could put together as a gift and give it to someone.  It was a lot of fun.

I can't wait for another package!  Mail is one of a missionaries best friends.

We got a new investigator a couple weeks ago.  Her name is B.  She has been living with her daughter since mid-November and will be for the next nine months.  She wants to listen to the missionaries because she wants to learn more about the church and she likes the change that it has made in her daughters life  We taught her the first lesson last Wednesday.  We extended the invitation to be baptized and she said yes!!  She has a date for some time for the end of this month to the beginning of January.

I love and miss you a lot.

Elder Brown